
Intelligent Automation: How Intelligent Automation Drives Business Innovation

Innovation is the heart of every business. Organizations continuously push to create new products, implement new processes, and go after new markets to thrive–or even just survive. That's because customers have never had so many choices, while competitors have never had more opportunities to disrupt the market themselves. Bottom line: If you're not innovating, you're not making the most of the amazing opportunties that lie in front of you.

If innovation is the pumping engine of change moving your business forward, then data is the fuel that powers it. While organizations have better access to more data from more sources than ever before, making the most out of all that data–and uncovering the intelligent insights within–creates its own challenges. This means that the right approach to innovation starts with the right approach to your infrastructure.

Dell Technologies is a leading technology company, instrumental in developing solutions to help transform people's lives with extraordinary capabilities. Dell Technologies solutions and devices can get your workforce ready for the digital future, providing secure, intelligent privacy, so your employees can work confidently anywhere with AI-based software that learns and adapts to how they work.

2x faster storage than 15G

Based on a comparison between the 16Gb/s NVMe based R750xs compared to the 32Gb/s NVMe based R760xs. Based on a comparison between 12Gb SAS on the R750xs to 24Gb SAS on the R760xs

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