
Cyber-Resiliency Maturity in Servers

Cyber resiliency is now an essential requirement for any business. Given the threat to data and IT servers, businesses must invest in cyber-resiliency strategies to reduce operational risk. New research from ESG, however, finds that cyber-resiliency investments are even more valuable than previously thought: In addition to minimizing risk, they improve a business’s ability to innovate.

Improved cyber-resilency capabilties help to reduce risk. But does an organization’s level of cyber-resiliency maturity also help foster innovation and deliver greater business success?

To answer this question, ESG surveyed 750 IT decision makers and then segmented the respondents into cyber-resiliency stages (see graphic on right). This classification was driven by how respondents answered four questions about their organization. Each of these questions represents a characteristic of a Prepared organization (i.e., an attribute of a highly resilient organization) in terms of the teams in place to protect it, the funding for technologies to mitigate risk, or the organization’s focus on minimizing third-party risk.

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