
Creating a Competitive Advantage Through IT Automation

As organizations undergo their digital transformation (DX), the increase in requirements, expectations, and business demands shifts IT automation to a necessary asset. IT automation not only relieves IT departments from overwhelming demands, but when implemented correctly, it also can aid an organization in its drive to gain a competitive advantage by supporting new business initiatives and product development, uncovering new opportunities for growth, and enhancing customer experience. IT automation can be a catalyst for evolving IT from a cost center to a center of innovation. IDC research suggests that organizations further along in their IT automation journey are already benefitting from their IT automation investments.

Some of the recognized benefits quoted by IT leaders are:

  • Relief from overwhelming business demands
  • Increased business productivity
  • Improved IT efficiencies for service delivery
  • Focus on innovation to gain a competitive advantage
  • Accelerated time to market
  • Improved team collaboration, productivity, and morale
  • Increase in the organization's security posture

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